Cleanergy Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Shradha Dairy Farm, Ahmednagar

A 24-year young women dairy farmer, Shardha Dhawan was grappling with a problem of unreliable energy source, waste management and depleting profits. The We offered cleanergy’s flagship technology “Kisangas” to convert her dairy farm waste i.e. cow dung into biogas and fertilizer.  The Kisan 40M model installed at Shradha Dairy Farm is processing 1MT of cow dung per day to produce 40m3 of biogas and 2000 litres of liquid organic fertilizer. We have supplied biogas generator to produce electricity.


The biogas produced is used for cooking purpose and produce electricity to run chaff cutter, water pumps, etc. The liquid fertilizer produced is enriched further and sold through their own retail outlet.


Shardha Dairy farm is now self-reliant for their energy needs and earning additional income of Rs. 6 lakhs per year by selling fertilizer.

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